caldis -- Calendar entries: display, maintain, email reminders about.


 caldis --ascii-output-size=WIDTHxHEIGHT --begin-date=DATE 
      --calendar-dir=DIRECTORY --date-format=STRING --end-date=DATE 
      --graphic-output-size=WIDTHxHEIGHT --help --line-split={true,false} 
      --mail-reminder[=EMAIL_ADDRESS] --number-days=INTEGER 
      --output-type={ascii,gif} --output-file=FILE 
      --output-size=WIDTHxHEIGHT --run-calendar[=COMMAND] 
      --run-calendar-program=COMMAND --run-builtin-calendar[=EDITOR] 
      --run-builtin-calendar-program=EDITOR --write-to-root[=COMMAND] 
      --write-to-root-program[=COMMAND] --verbose[=INTEGER]


caldis reads calendar entries in xcalendar file format and writes them out as ASCII text or as a GIF. It allows you to specify the range of days to display and the dimensions of the output. It can also mail reminders about certain calendar entries if desired. I like to run it from cron at midnight each day and have it write its output to my root window, so I always have a current calendar in my background, it also mails me about those important birthdays that I dare not forget.


The RC file

If .caldisrc exists, it is read each time caldis is run. Its contents are the command line options, each option on it's own line. Blank lines and lines whose first non-whitespace character are a # will be ignored.

~/Calendar Files

In addition to the xcDDMonYYYY daily files, caldis also reads etDDMon files which are ``eternal'' files that will span years. Useful for remembering those important birthdays and anniversaries.

Reminders By Mail

caldis will mail a calendar entry if the first line of the entry starts with a string of the form {mail DAYS}. DAYS is a comma or space seperated list of positive integers, additionally N-M will be interpreted as the integers N, N+1, N+2, .., M-1, M. So 4-8 is short for 4,5,6,7. If the number of days from today to the date of a calendar entry is K and K is in the DAYS list, then caldis mails that calendar entry.

The built-in calendar editor program

  ll [FILE [FILE [...]]]
  ls [-l] [FILE [FILE [...]]]
  rm FILE [FILE [...]]
  vi FILE [FILE [...]]
  emacs FILE [FILE [...]]
  edit FILE [FILE [...]]

FILE can be a perl regex and you can use tab filename completion.


gabriel m deal,,