Nearly at the summit of Jumar Mountain, with Daniel and Hinman in the background.
Looking down on Tonga Ridge and Fisher Lake from the summit of Jumar Mountain.
Scrambling up to the pass between Shroud Mountain and point 5961.
Terrace Mountain
On the SE ridge of Shroud.
The summit of Shroud Mountain.
Litter from the city.
Marmot Lake and Lynch Peak.
On the south ridge of Terrace Mountain.
Ascending Terrace's south ridge.
Mount Daniel from the south ridge of Terrace.
Mount Daniel and Mount Hinman from the summit of Terrace Mountain.
The summit of Terrace Mountain.
On one of the terraces on the east side of Terrace Mountain.
Lush terrace streams.
Mac Peak
The north face of Terrace Mountain.
On the very pleasant north ridge of Terrace.
On the very brushy north ridge of Terrace.
I was very happy to see this culvert since it meant that we had finally found the road.
A broken, but useable bridge over Fisher Creek.
Lindsay had turned into a hiking zombie by the time we reached the car.
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