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Chiwawa Mountain loop
2012/08/18 to 2012/08/20
3 days
Trip type:
USGS quad:
Suiattle Pass
North Cascades
Day 1
At the Trinity trail head. The Trinity Conservancy might be looking for a manager for the town of Trinity:
We are about to enter Lindsay's favorite place
The trail conditions degraded after we forked off the Chiwawa River trail onto the Red Mountain trail
On the old mining road that is now the Red Mountain trail
Eventually we left the Red Mountain trail to traverse west below Chiwawa
Day 2
We didn't find any established camp sites on the south slopes of Chiwawa, but this spot worked
The next morning we broke camp and headed up the SW slopes of Chiwawa
On the summit of Chiwawa Mountain, looking north towards Cloudy Peak
On the summit of Chiwawa Mountain with Clark and Luahna in the background
The one short section of 3rd class that we encountered on the SW slopes of Chiwawa
Most of Chiwawa Mountain's SW slopes were rubble like this
Looking north into the Miners Creek drainage from the Fortress/Chiwawa pass. We decided to try a cross-country route down this valley to the PCT
Sun-dried mud
Looking back up to the Fortress/Chiwawa pass from Miners Creek
Looking down the Miners Creek valley to Plummer Mountain
Most of the forest in the Miners Creek valley was pleasant and open, although the last half-mile before the trail was brushy
NW ridge of Fortress from Middle Ridge
Our campsite on the nose of Middle Ridge. There was a beautiful meadow 10 minutes walk above the campsite that we used for dinner and breakfast
Sunset from the meadow above our Middle Ridge camp site
Sunrise in the meadow above our Middle Ridge camp site
Day 3
On the top of Flower Dome. Fortress Mountain in the background
Buck Mountain from the Buck Creek trail
Relaxing at the Buck Creek trail head
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