Wizard's summit of Keechelus Ridge
The 4,896' east sub-summit of Keechelus Ridge looks really cool from
the southeast with the sharp, straight ridges that run down from it.
It always reminds me of the sort of place a wizard would have his
tower. OK, a minor wizard who doesn't mind living in the middle of a
clear cut frequented by snowmobilers.
I parked in the Price Creek Westbound Sno-Park and headed up Road
124, and continued on roads until I arrived at the base of the summit
block. I took off my skis and kick-stepped the last 30 vertical feet
to the summit, which were a little steep with snow compacted by sun
and wind.
I love the ski down Road 124, it is narrow, steep, and covered in
those washboard/jumps that snowmobiles make. Very fun and
Elevation gain:
2,440 feet
Trip type:
back country ski
3 hours 43 minutes
1 hour 12 minutes
driving there
Lower Queen Anne
Price Creek Westbound Sno-Park
2 hours 38 minutes
Price Creek Westbound Sno-Park
East Keechelus Ridge
1 hour 5 minutes
East Keechelus Ridge
Price Creek Westbound Sno-Park
East Keechelus Ridge point 4,896'
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