Some goofy middle fork peak (attempted)
The logging road on the east side of Zorro Ridge ends near Little
Comrade. From the end of the road it is an open-forest traverse to Little
Comrade. Avoid brush by staying high at the slide alder on the east
side of Little Comrade.
On the way we climbed point 4,280'+, immediately south of Little
Comrade. We scrambled from the gully to the south up 3rd class rock,
traversed a ledge to the right, and followed a ridge up to the left to
where it met two sections of class 5 rock with a ledge with a tree in
between. I led this, the second section of class 5 felt like 5.9 (I
may be over-rating it since I was in boots with a full pack on my
back), and belayed from a rock horn above. After this was a short 4th
class section. The rest of the route north to the summit was 3rd
class and exposed at times. There was no evidence of previous
visitors at the summit. I left a cairn.
After the slide alder on the east side of Little Comrade, we made an
ascending traverse through a brief stand of doug fir; then up a mossy,
rough slab; through another brief tree section; and down a dirt gully.
From here there were couple upward possibilities. We explored the
first gully, which had an ugly class 4 section (perhaps we could have
bypassed it to the right?) and above it was a rocky basin/gully that I
looked at and decided we didn't have time for. It would definitely be
worth exploring the two other gullys further west, I didn't have time
to see if they went anywhere. The third gully may require descending
and traversing low to get into it.
Elevation gain:
4,555 feet
Trip type:
12 hours 25 minutes
41 minutes
driving there
Capitol Hill
Mailbox Peak trailhead
1 hour 47 minutes
ascending (bike & hike)
Mailbox Peak trailhead
turn-off of Granite Creek Road-Trail
1 hour 52 minutes
turn-off of Granite Creek Road-Trail
Zorro Ridge pass
2 hours 47 minutes
Zorro Ridge pass
top of Little Comrade's sub-summit
2 hours 19 minutes
top of Little Comrade's sub-summit
where we turned back on Little Comrade
1 hour 32 minutes
where we turned back on Little Comrade
Zorro Ridge pass
1 hour 15 minutes
Zorro Ridge pass
turn-off of Granite Creek Road-Trail
53 minutes
descending (bike & hike)
turn-off of Granite Creek Road-Trail
Mailbox Peak trailhead
South side of Mount Teneriffe
East side of Mailbox Peak and Dirtybox Peak
Mount Teneriffe and Green Mountain
Gully south of Little Comrade's sub-peak
Russian Butte and Little Comrade
South side of Little Comrade
West side of Revolution Peak
West side of Russian Butte
4440+ pass on Zorro Ridge
Russian Butte from Zorro Ridge
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