Pelletgun Hill
What do you do when you planned to hike in the upper North Fork
Snoqualmie valley but the road is closed before the Wagner Bridge?
You hike up Pelletgun Hill!
I parked on the North Fork Snoqualmie Road at gate 20 and headed NE
past the gate and up the logging road. At the road fork on SE side of
Pelletgun Hill I went left and followed the road as it switchbacked
its way to its end on the NE ridge of Pelletgun Hill. This was an
impressively logged, bashed, and wasted spot.
From the NE ridge it was a hike/scramble over logged-out but easily
travelable terrain to the top.
North Fork Snoqualmie Drainage
1 hour 36 minutes
1 hour 2 minutes
gate 20 on North Fork Snoqualmie Road
summit of Pelletgun Hill
34 minutes
summit of Pelletgun Hill
gate 20 on North Fork Snoqualmie Road
North Fork Snoqualmie gate 20
Pelletgun Hill
NE ridge of Pelletgun Hill
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