Ireland: Bouldering and exploring at Carrickfin Beach
Michael and I took the first left after the Donegal International
Airport (they fly to Scotland and Northern Ireland) and followed the
road to the boat dock. The bouldering was on the same little beach
the dock was on. The rock was clean granite, full of crystals that
tear your hand up when hand jamming.
After bouldering a bit, Michael and I followed the coast north. We
found lots of granite and many small beaches, some sandy, some made up
of tiny agates, and some covered in colorful shells. This was the
prettiest collection of beaches I have ever seen. We encountered a
few good bouldering traverses, one was right above the water, it was
fun to boulder with waves breaking below me.
Carrickfin beach and bouldering area
Shells at Carrickfin
Granite coastline at Carrickfin
Carrickfin beach
Beach at Carrickfin
Bouldering at Carrickfin
Bouldering at Carrickfin beach
Bouldering at Carrickfin beach
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