Lake Philippa
I parked on the North Fork Road in the large parking area across the
road from gate 16 (17.4 miles from exit 31 on I-90). I crossed the
gate and took Road 29200, passing over a cement bridge, then going
right at the first fork (the left fork leads to Loch Katrine), and
then going left at the second fork.
At the end of the road a trail continues up the valley. The trail
starts out in a young forest with a sunlight-starved, sterile floor,
but soon enters old growth forest. Around 2,430' the trail
crosses to the west side of Philippa Creek. Instead of crossing, if
you continue a couple hundred feet upstream on the east side of the
creek (a real bushwack), you'll find views of a lovely slot canyon
with a series of waterfalls running through it.
I crossed the creek on a slippery log. After the creek crossing the
trail becomes steep, more like a scramble than a hike in many parts.
Then it crosses a talus field, followed by another short, steep
section before leveling out on the final approach to the lake.
I found two campsites at the lake, one complete with a grill and
Elevation gain:
1,935 feet
North Fork Snoqualmie Drainage
5 hours 26 minutes
1 hour 20 minutes
driving there
Lower Queen Anne
Gate 16 on North Fork Road
1 hour 26 minutes
Gate 16 on North Fork Road
Philippa Creek crossing
59 minutes
Philippa Creek crossing
Lake Philippa
2 hours 29 minutes
Lake Philippa
Gate 16 on North Fork Road
Philippa Creek falls
Philippa Creek falls
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