Longs Pass (Teanaway)
There is a washout 1/4 a mile from the Esmerelda Trailhead. I
high-centered my Subaru here and we spent a lot of time jacking my car
up, digging up gravel, and feeling thankful we were doing this in
nice, sunny weather.
Carlos and I hit the trailhead at noon and changed our destination
from Fortune Peak and South Ingalls Peak to the more nearby Longs
Pass. Around 5,300' we lost the trail which was hidden under 1.5 feet
of snow and we just headed straight up to the pass. It's a pleasant
hike up with great views of Esmerelda Peaks all the way. At the pass
we found the summit of Mount Stuart hidden in the clouds and the rest
of the Stuart Range all visible, which was well worth the trip.
Round-trip distance:
3 miles
Elevation gain:
2,025 feet
4 hours 23 minutes
2 hours 31 minutes
Esmerelda trailhead
Longs Pass
1 hour 14 minutes
Longs Pass
Esmerelda Trailhead
Esmerelda Peaks from below Longs Pass
Fortune Peak from Longs Pass trail
Carlos and Not Hinkhouse Peak from Longs Pass
Looking north from Longs Pass
Mount Stuart from Longs Pass
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