Fortune Peak and South Ingalls Peak (attempted)
Didn't make it.
First went to Ingalls Lake (see for an excellent
photo of Ingalls Lake), then up to the pass between N and S Ingalls, and
then dropped down to the other side of the pass. The gully that we
would take up was too icy to continue. We went back to the lake and
took the trail back down and headed up the ridge that connects Fortune
and S Ingalls. Some members of the party were worried about the time
(one seemed pretty paniced and was actually yelling about how she
wasn't going to bivy) and we ended up turning around when we were
within minutes of the top of Fortune. We had enough time left,
especially given that we had a quick and easy descent to the trail,
the sun set on my way home as I was driving through Snoqualmie Pass.
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