Wonderland Trail
Six days is way too fast. Blew my achilles tendon out, couldn't hike
for two months afterwards.
Summerland and Indian Bar camp are both incredible. Highlights:
Berkeley Park, Spray Park, Panhandle Gap, the hike from Summerland to
Indian Bar to the bottom of the ridge clockwise, Mystic Lake.
Longmire to Klopatchie Camp: 10 hours.
Klopatchie to Eagle Roost Camp: 11 hours.
Eagle Roost to Mystic Lake Camp: 9 hours.
Mystic Lake to Summerland Camp: 11.25 hours.
Summerland to Maple Creek Camp: 9.33 hours.
Maple Creek to Longmire: ???
to 2003/09/06
USGS quads:
Mount Rainier East, Mount Rainier West
Gabriel and Dave on Wonderland Trail
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