Raku by Dave & Boni Deal is usually available at:
The Real Mother Goose, Portland, OR
901 SW Yamhill Street,
Portland, OR 97205
(503)223-9510 & Portland International Airport
Earthworks, Lincoln City, OR
620 NE Hwy 101, Lincoln City,
phone: (541)557-4148, email: earthworks@actionnet.net
White Bird Gallery, Cannon Beach, OR
251 N Hemlock St.,
Cannon Beach OR 97110
(503)436-2681; web: whitebirdgallery.com
Childhood's End Gallery, Olympia, WA
222 W. 4th, Olympia, WA
Northwest Craft Center, Seattle Center, Seattle
305 Harrison Street, Seattle, WA 98109,
Columbia Art Gallery, Hood River, OR
101- 4th Street, Hood River, OR
(503)386-4512, .columbiaartgallery.org
(small pieces periodically at:)
The Japanese Garden Society
of Oregon, Portland, OR
(503)223-1321, japanesegarden.com